The Language of Behavior with Brook Todd

If you're a parent with a kid who may be expressing some different or challenging behaviors during this stay at home period this conversation is for you. Brook Todd has been such a help for us. When I began to look at my childs behavior as a communication - a language - my whole approach to the situation changed. Brook Todd has helped me to turn around my thoughts and belief about parenting a spirited child so that I can use more creativity and perspective.

If you connect with Brook's message and approach please reach out to her. Links to her program and her free facebook group are in the comments below. She is a wealth of resources, ideas and one of the most compassionate human beings on the planet.

If you enjoy these conversations consider following my youtube channel where previous conversations have been posted:

The Language of Behavior Program – Children's Therapy Group


Good Grief with Laura Schmidt and Amee Lewis-Reau


Leading with Love and Abundance with Kristen Stavros