You might be thinking, “Morgan what even is a power up?”

Well, it’s a bit of an inside joke with my family. In the winter when we head up to the mountain for a family ski session, we get about half way through the day & half way down the mountain when one or both of my girls start to get tired. Tired for two kiddos under 10 means overwhelmed, cranky, and no energy. Our solution? Gummy bears. The perfect snack to keep energy high and get us all back down the mountain in a good mood. In other words a little “power up” to keep us going!

Enter: Power Up. A bite sized, quick source of energy that will keep you going. That’s exactly what this gratitude power up is made of! A quick and simple practice to recharge you whenever you need. A gummy bear for the soul, if you will.

Practice sent right to your inbox! Ready for download immediately. All you need is 15 minutes.

What’s inside?

  • Gratidude Meditation

  • 3 Gratitude Journal Prompts

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