14 Day Gratitude Challenge

“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy and change ordinary opportunity into blessings”

 - William Arthur Ward

Join the Gratitude Challenge


Why practice Gratitude

Gratitude is both science and magic. What we focus on grows, and by focusing on how grateful we are in all aspects of our lives magic begins to unfold. We move from lack, to sufficiency and abundance. We move from dark to light. We move from unsafe to safe in this moment. With gratitude we are able to create more of what we desire and recognize how much we have in our life to be thankful for.

Practicing gratitude is the fastest, most efficient way to move you toward a more joy filled life, sustaining us during life’s inevitable hard times.


Who it is for

This challenge is for everyone.

Are you feeling worried, overwhelmed and like you don’t have enough? You can’t seem to get out of your head and you are constantly in your own way? Are you looking to broaden your existing practice with new approaches? Have been told “you should practice gratitude, but don’t know how”?

If you have a desire to see situations in more positive light, to feel good in your life, to live in joy - then this challenge is for you.


How it works

Daily practice sent right to your inbox

  • Daily email with each day’s journaling practices as well as bonus meditations and inspirational ideas to keep you going.

  • We practice 3 simple steps every day

  • Learn how to feel into gratitude, instead of just keeping it at the cerebral level


Who Is Morgan?

Morgan works with women to uncover their wild soul so they can feel more confident in their own wild soul desires and walk the wild path.

Morgan helps women learn how to trust themselves again so they can show up more confidently and clearly in their relationships and pursuit of their own wild dreams.

As a wilderness guide for the soul, Morgan uses an eclectic mix of coaching, energy work and the magic of nature to help women create the change they desire in their lives so they can experience more freedom, more joy, more ease, and more of their wild soul’s truest nature.

What People Are Saying

I loved the push to get going on this. I’ve always wanted to start a gratitude practice and I just haven’t had the motivation until now. My overall mood and outlook has improved, so it’s been well worth it.
— Amber, Texas
The biggest thing I got out of it was gratitude around a specific situation and writing down 10 things I can be grateful for in that challenging situation. Even now to this day I am able to see that situation differently. I use this tool now for so many of my difficult situations.
— Diane, South Dakota


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